Sacred offerings

Over five magical days, we will share a variety of workshops and experiences, through the heart medicine of rose and cacao, dance, music, nature, breath work, and womb connection, all leading us to our conclusion of a unique self-dedication ceremony...

Self Dedication Ceremony

  • Self-dedication, or self-marriage, is the ritual of true love. Accepting yourself as you are, with all the light and the dark, in richness and poverty, in sickness and in health. You have been there, falling and picking yourself up time and time again; moving and growing. Its time to honor that relationship by saying- yes I do! To commit to love, to respect, to care, to listen and to accept your entirety.

    Facilitated by our amazing Mayan Officiant, wisdom keeper and divine feminine sister, this uniquely crafted ceremony is a powerful way to welcome in the prospect of love to your life by committing to and honoring yourself first.

Rose WOmb Journey

  • This experience is designed to guide you to a deeper understanding of your divine feminine essence. Using the sweet guidance and teaching of the rose, meditation, visualization, art, energy and attachment clearing, shadow work and introspection. This workshop allows you the space to let go of negative thought patterns and embody all that you are. This will help you to balance and anchor your energies and reconnect with your sacred heart, womb and soul.

Yoga & Meditation

  • We will start our mornings by turning inward and settling into our precious, sacred bodies overlooking the Yelapa Bay. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a complete beginner we’re confident you will leave these classes feeling rejuvenated and full of inner joy. Yoga is for everybody and all ages.

Herbal talk & Yoni Steam

  • Have you been wanting to understand the ebbs and flows of your womb in a deeper way? Would you like to learn ways in which you can use herbs and plants to assist your cycle? Then this is the workshop for you! Herbal steaming is an ancient practice known to be deeply nourishing and supportive for women as a part of ritual to connect with the wisdom that resides in the womb.

    In this workshop we will learn about a variety of herbs and plants we can use to make tonics, teas and steams, and then participate in a ritual yoni steam and meditation, to help you connect to your sacred wombspace.

Whale Watching boat excursion

  • Do you remember the magic of being a child- when the world was one big adventure for you to discover!?

    Yelapa is home to abundant sea life. It is an important breeding and birthing ground for humpback whales every year. During this boat excursion you will have the freedom to swim, play and observe the magical whales in their natural habitat! A once in a lifetime experience.

    Our aim with this mini trip is for you to rekindle this wonder, to marvel at the beauty of the ocean and connect with your inner child..

Nature Immursion & Waterfall HIke

  • Yelapa is home to some of the most spectacular wonders Mother Nature has to offer. Fresh waterfalls fit for fairytale pixies, and rivers and valleys of dreams..

    During this nature immersion we will connect with the elements on a hike to one of these magical sites, where we can swim in the river and bathe in the waterfall! We will also have a mini photoshoot so you can relive your fairy queen dreams.

Sound Bath

  • Did you know that everything holds a vibrational frequency, and every frequency is connected to a sound? Science is now supporting ancient wisdom that all our cells are vibrating at a particular resonance, emanating different tones.

    In this way, we use different instruments to guide you into a deep state of relaxation. so the whole body (not just our ears) can learn to listen and receive. This helps to restore balance and harmony in our physical and energetic bodies.

are you ready?

Rosa de Cacao Ceremony

  • Our aim in this ceremony is to help us remember the powerful portal of our heart centers, the magic that ensues when we drop out of our heads into our authentic joy and pleasure.

    Cacao, what is it? Most people love chocolate, but few have been able to experience it before all the added sugar, dairy products and preservatives. Cacao is chocolate in its raw form. This superfood is a natural antidepressant, which can lead to a feeling of open heartedness and self acceptance. Paired with the sweet teachings of the rose, music, singing and dancing, this experience will leave you feeling whole, happy and full of love.

Breathwork Session

  • In this intimate and transformative workshop we get to experience first hand the power of our breath. We will learn more about the science and ancient wisdom of breath work before we dive into the experience.

    After 25 mins of continuous, circular breathing and breath holds, relax and receive the medicine of sound. Lastly, we open it up for a sharing circle as a form of integration.